O.K. I didn't go to softball last night, but I have a good (or bad) excuse! I missed work on Tuesday. Yes, I know that's two days ago and not yesterday but here's the scoop: I didn't go to work on Tuesday because when I woke up something evil was trying to work its way out of my bellybutton. It was evil and painful! I NEVER miss work - so this was a shock to all those that work with me!
On Wednesday (softball day), I went to work, was feeling much better - I slept ALL day Tuesday! So I'm going along, through my day, nothing to see here folks, when 4:00pm hits. The evil has come back!!! My stomach bubbled in ways I didn't think was possible. I wrap up what I'm working on and at 4:33pm, I tell my co-workers that I'm leaving and RACE home!!! yikes! Now that the evil is in my belly again, there is no way I will be drive 30min (far too long without a little girls room) to run around a softball field! - not happening!
I stay home and battle the evil and alas, today I win the battle and feel much better (for real this time, not like yesterday). So I go to the gym...
Today's workout wasn't as great as the past, but that was because of it being the day of recovery:
- 30min on the elliptical
- 30 reps per side @ 40lbs on the ab machine
- 30 leg lifts
- 20 reps back/right/left - abs
I wonder if pepto bismol would have haulted the evil in it's tracks?!
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