This morning I woke up and had cinnamon & spice oatmeal for breakfast. Then I went to the gym (that's right I'm back..again) with Katelyn. As I was on the tredmill, I took a drink of water, which caused me to burp. Not the earth shattering belch you are all use to from me, the I'm in public not letting this out type, and I realize it tastes like seafood. I ignore this and continue on. I drink some more water and again burp. And again it tastes like seafood. So now I'm freaking out inside (because outside I'm talking to Katelyn as we walk) thinking that there's something seriously wrong with my body that it is processing oatmeal as seafood. This is not good. Am I dying? Is there something rotting inside my body? Am I not going to make it through this workout, let alone this day?! JESSIE IS FREAKING OUT!
I continue to burp seafood and it's worrying me inside and makes my mouth taste gross. I leave the gym (not because of the seafood because my workout was done) and drive home. As I'm driving home, I call Wendy, leave her a message and when I hang up I say to myself...YOU IDIOT YOU TOOK YOUR VITAMINS THIS MORNING (one of which was fish oil)!!!
It's been so long since I took my vitamins that I forgot I took them and thought I was rotting internally!!! The moral of the story (2 of them): 1. don't forget that you took your vitamins 2. buy fish oil without fishy burps as I feel this will make you worry about your insides less!!!
Today's workout was:
- abs (back & sides) 30reps each side- 40lbs ab machine
- leg lifts (30)
- 40min walking on an incline
- 20min elliptical
- 2min on the Jacob's Ladder (see title link if you're curious)
Scheduled to go on Monday, Thursday, Saturday w/ Katelyn and hoping to go other days on my own. Hopefully next week, I'll start running - once I get into the swing of the gym.
I also had the Championship Game for softball tonight. Lots of running, lots of hitting, lots of sweating and catching...but we lost by 2. The ladies played really hard tonight and it was a great season. We'll get it back next year!! Fall Ball on Fridays through October!!!
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