Ever have a day when nothing goes right, the world feels like it is going to end, and nothing goes right?! Well then you are a woman! It's that time and today was just one of those days. I tried to run on the tredmill, but because it's one of those days here's what happened:
I plug in the tredmill (used my mom's while I did laundry - better than nothing!); power is good. Next, I get on it and set it to 3.0mph to walk. I'm walking...then I'm crawling at 1.5mph - no reason - that's what the tredmill wanted to do apparently! So, I put it back to 3.0mph, I'm walking...then I'm crawling again at 1.5mph - again - not by my doing! GRRR. So I pull off the emergency stop tab (you know, the one incase you fall off the tredmill) and put it back on. Here we go all is good! I put it to 4.0mph to walk and I'm walking fine. I put my iPod on the front to the left. I walk for .25mi then start jogging at 5.5mph. I'm going like this for .25mi when the emergency stop tab gets caught around my headset wire and flies off...and I'm stopped...again! GRRR. So I put it back, and go right back into my 5.5mph. I'm put the emergency stop clip (that's suppose to go on your body) in a new spot so it won't fly off, put my iPod in front of me in the center and all is good...again. I'm going like this for about .45mi when all of a sudden my iPod JUMPS off the center and slams down onto the tredmill and flies behind me..AND I'M DONE! I took this as a clear sign that I am not suppose to run today! Packed up my water and went upstairs to watch HGTV as my laundry continued!
Yesterday was a much more successful workout at the gym:
- 30min on this awesome machine that looks like an elliptical but is a 1. stair machine 2. an elliptical 3. a running machine - AWESOME!
- 15min on the tredmill - new tredmill not sure how I feel about it yet. Don't know if my knees liked it.
Anyway, it's been that kind of day - and days like this make it even harder to get back into the gym!! GRR - made a yummy dinner (chicken & LOTS of veggies stir fry) and now there's some brownies in the oven! You know I love this man if I'm cooking dinner AND dessert for him! :o)
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