Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Feeling Fine

Hello -

I feel like I am a lover returning to their relationship after having an awful affair w/ someone not worth it!! You, being my relationship, no gym and crappy food, being the affair! So, I say to you love, I am sorry for my faults - I am not perfect, but I AM BACK and going to be strong!!

Today I went to the gym and it was gooooooood. It's been a very long time and my current weight are definite factors in my return. Plus my damn A&P professor keeps talking about how just a brisk 3mi walk a day - will have you in the shape you are suppose to be in!!! My gym buddy is feeling the need to go back too - so later this week we will be on the same schedule.

Here's today's workout:
- 45min elliptical
- 2miles run/walk on the tredmill - running/walking at .25mi intervals (not too shabby)

So I know it wasn't a super huge workout - but I was still there - and running!!! YIKES! The goal: to be running 3-4miles by Jan 1st! Really enjoying life right now and hope this "life high" I have will continue for a while! (it's about time)

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